Search engine crawling bots these days are equipped with many complex algorithms that help them distinguish between a genuinely relevant website fr
1. Keywords
Keyword research is the first thing to do and tools such as Google AdWords keyword tool Wholesale Authentic Jerseys , Market Samurai, Moz etc can prove to be of immense help. The Google instant search box gives auto completed phraseskeywords that the world is looking for and this should be taken into account when deciding keywords and terms to be used on your website.
Another important thing to understand, and probably to exploit the most out of, is the search algorithms themselves. Design your website to include as much content as possible to show relevance. Content here meaning:
All of the above should point towardscontain relevant keywords helping the search bot decipher and make sense of what your productbusiness website is all about. Google Analytics can help monitor web traffic and thus update your content to be more relevant, authoritative and well-written.
2. Navigation menus
The website navigation should cater to both the users and the search engine bots. Sometimes, to give a more advanced GUI look, web designers try to replace buttons Wholesale Jerseys Online , menus with images. However, this is very hard for the bots to decipher because of it not being in a text format. Instead, CSS should be used for the same GUI effects and the associated text links can help the search bots 'crawl' your website content with ease and tag sections for relevance.
3. URLs and filenames:
A badly named domain name or URL might be difficult for users to remember. Also, search bots would have difficulty understanding the URLs and link them to your content and thus will rank you lower on the relevance test.
Similar rules apply to filenames Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping , be it for images or for a sub-directory. If the search bots can understand and attach more relevance and have a better selection of keywords helping the search engines, it will help their efforts to index the website contents better.
4. Images:
Here are some tips to maintain images that appear on your website:
• Compress images to make them smaller while optimizing for quality. This enables fast webpage loading times.
• Use the 'alt text' attribute for each image to enable search bots to understand what the image stands for. This adds more information that the search bots can 'crawl' and thus adds more relevance to the content of the webpage. This also helps web browsers to show alternate text in places where images failed took long times to load.
• Instead of placing images that appear on individual web pages in the same directory as the web page itself, keep all the images in a single folder, perhaps named 'Images'. This aids for easy site maintenance and upgrades.
5. Social Networking on your webpage:
Facebook Wholesale Jerseys From China , Twitter, Google Plus, Digg, LinkedIn are the most popular social networking sites out there. Nowadays Wholesale Jerseys China , they are so tightly integrated to cater to the business needs that status updates or blog posts about your business can draw and increase web traffic to your website multifold. It is therefore essential to have social networking plug-ins embedded on the websites to point website visitors towards your profiles on those networks and subsequently connect with each one of them.
Your efforts put into creating an attractive and impressive website would prove futile if search-engines cannot readindex it. Keeping in mind the above mentioned tips, you can contact the Website Designing and Website Development services provider for designing an SEO-friendly website.
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