town with "Louies" that can fetch up to 10 Emmitt Smith Womens Jersey ,000 dollars for an exclusive style of handbag. Do you think you will ever have access to these items in the wholesale, surplus, or drop-shipping market?
Forget it! You might not even get these in some upscale boutiques! There are people so well connected that they buy up "hot items" like LV Handbags before they even hit the stores. They know who wants these items, and they will purchase whatever is available just so they can have an exclusive for their celebrity clients. Don't get me wrong. It's not that you can't get "designer duds" or handbags at wholesale prices. You will not get high end clothes and accessories that are featured in the latest issue of Vogue, Cosmo, as a "product for resale," in any wholesale environment Cheap Tony Pollard Jersey , unless you spend thousands for the right to distribute such a product.
Even if some of these items made their way beyond the connected channels of purchasing, exclusive clothing and handbag items like Louis Vuitton will have limited distribution in "hand picked' boutiques, and well connected purchasing agents. In addition, there are people in the fashion industry, as well as other branded industries that would rather have their merchandise burned, or buried before it would reach the wholesale, surplus Cheap Connor McGovern Jersey , or drop-shipping market! For more information on designer clothing, and to learn about designer "fakes," please refer to the following websites:
a healthy does of honesty, and an eye opening perspective concerning the realities of purchasing designer clothes for resale, the Clothing Broker will definitely explode some popular myths about obtaining such items:
Now lets address the Surplus & Salvage Industry. When people first encounter some of the offers from Surplus dealers, or brokers, they tend to suffer from what I call the "I just found Gold" syndrome. A feverish excitement permeates their brain cells Cheap Trysten Hill Jersey , and reduces them to a quivering pile of jelly, leaving their reasoning skills inoperable! A few thousand dollars later, and after coming to the conclusion that their "Golden Opportunity" turned out to be bars of lead, elation, then turns to anger.
It is a cliche, and I hate using it, but it is more than appropriate when it comes to surplus and salvage products. "If it sounds to good to be true Cheap Taco Charlton Jersey , it probably is!" Some Surplus dealers will hone in one at least one of seven deadly sins--greed! As with wholesale, you will never get certain products for "pennies" on the dollar. One type of surplus product category that has some people loosing their minds is surplus and salvage electronics.
The problem with electronics is that they have a low profit margin even when they are brand new. Finding surplus dealers with working, undamaged, electronic products can be a daunting task. Most salvage electronics can be in pretty rough shape. See :
What you are getting from most Surplus Dealers, or companies who specialize in electronic salvage is someone's customer returns, i.e., "junk!" Unless you are a electronics technician Cheap Michael Gallup Jersey , or recycler, then I would stay away from "salvage" electronics.
Even product that is not damaged, and still in the box or retail blister pack, can have a pretty high surplus price. If you find that someone is offering you a electronics item, be it a DVD Player, or Xbox, for eight dollars a unit Cheap Leighton Vander Esch Jersey , then "buyer beware."
For a further explanation of the surplus industry, and how you can avoid "purchasing pitfalls," I would suggest that you read the: "The Ten Tenets Of The Surplus and Salvage Business" found here:
The Ten Tenets Of The Surplus & Salvage Business DROPPED BY DROP-SHIPPING!
My last critique, and word of caution is about drop-shipping. You might have access to information about drop-shipping companies that would prove me wrong. I will not argue with anyone who is dealing with a dropshipping company who is serving them well. However, I will tell you that dropshipping is a risk. I really can't recommend any type of guide, or information that would lead you to a reliable source of drop-shipping companies.
Unlike surplus and wholesale, where you physically own and control the product Cheap Demarcus Lawrence Jersey , that option has been taken out of your hands. You are entrusting a company to ship products directly to your customers. If you get involved with a company who cannot deliver, or who is back ordered, you can find yourself with some very irate customers. Sign up fees, shipping fees, and expenses for support materials can really affect the bottom line.
Also, most drop-shipping companies like to send out product in volume. If you are selling just a few items per week, or per month Cheap Amari Cooper Jersey , it might not be worth if for a drop-shipping company to deal with you. Large retail catalog companies use drop-shipping or "fulfillment" houses, but these companies cater to large scale operations.
The bottom line is this. When it comes to finding product supply for your business it pays to do your homework. Visit the company facility when you can. Never wire any money into a company account. Use a credit card, or Escrow service to protect yourself should your supplier not deliver, or send you defective merchandise.
Understand that you will not be able to get the latest and greatest technology or fashions at surplus and below wholesale prices. If you follow all of these rules, and you use common sense as your "crusade" you just might be able to find your own "Holy Grail," of wholesale product supply!